Tuesday, May 01, 2001

I found a piece of grass to lay on!!!!!!!!! I can't remember if I ever wrote about this before, but the parks here in Aix are notorious for being full of beautiful grass and having signs everwhere telling citizens not to walk or lay on it. It has been killing me! All that greenery in the middle of so much cement and I'm not allowed to spread out there? What the heck is the park for then? Apparently, in some areas, parks are only good for walking, which is what you do on the nicely groomed paths. The grass is simply there to look pretty and give the place a little color. Whatever. Why can't I lay there? Why can't I walk there? Is it because you don't want to pay someone to for all the up keep (not trying to chip away at that 10% unemployment rate eh?) or perhaps because there is dog crap all over the grass (dog poop isn't just reserved for the sidewalks and streets here in France)? But, what does it matter, I have finally located two, yes count them two, parks that will let you bring a towel and lay down at your own risk.
So that is what we have been doing, laying there, reading, lauging, sunning ourselves. That is until the bum comes up to you. It appears to be obligatory, every park must have a bum who is most likely wearing army fatigues, and, for some reason, always wants a cigarette. For get the lighter (they always have those for some reason), they want a cigarette. And they look really disappointed in you when you tell them that you don't smoke. Sacre bleu! Someone in France who doesn't smoke? Oh la vache! Who would have thought? And for some reason, in the course of a few hours, the same guy comes up to you at least twice, apparently forgetting that he asked you before and that you haven't moved since. My friend Mark wondered if they expect people to just give them cigarettes because of socialism and communism and the idea that everyone kind of shares the wealth so to speak. Any ideas?
Conclusion du jour: when you find a patch of green without a "do not walk" sign, rejoice, and bring cigarettes, someone will definitly want one.

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