Friday, February 16, 2001

Yeah, so can anyone explain to me the reasoning behind having to take first semester finals four weeks into the second semester? Who thought of some thing as crazy as this? That's right a french guy. I have no idea who to blame it on. All of the other sections of the university finished their finals three weeks ago before starting the second semester, but no, we are special, we are politics students, we all think we are the best of the best, we should all have to take finals a third of the way into the second semester. I honestly can't get over it. Does anyone have any idea why i am stuck studying for classes I haven't attended since the second week of January? If so, please inform me. I'm dying to know. And if you know when the 1st French Republic started, let me know too. That exam is on Monday.

Monday, February 12, 2001

Today my bone to pick with the french has to do with their eduction system. For those of you who didn't know, I am currently an English Assistant in a local middle school every other week. We listen to music, we play games, I attempt to get the kids to learn what little English they are actually learning in schools and not from the latest Eminem song. The last two times I have taught, teachers have come into my room complaining about how the loud my kids were. It appears that if the kids make a peep, that is too much noise and they should be punished. Now, punishment in America usually consists of detention, a call to the parents, maybe some extra homework, but not in France. No, in France you get SCREAMED at, and I'm not talking about regular yelling, I'm talking about screaming all bloody hell to a child so much that the windows nearly crack then giving their name to the principal so that they can then be punished however that person feels fit. Now, I have been yelled at in my day by various teachers, all trying to get across the point that we were talking too much in class or just generally behaving bad, but never, and I mean NEVER have I heard a teacher scream like the French teachers in my middle school. In America if would border on verbal abuse. I have to say, I really wish I could understand most of what they are yelling, but it appears to strike fear into the toughest of the middle school tough, so it must be pretty bad. I know that my kids make more noise than they should, but I just can't bring myself to scream at them like that. I mean for God's sake, they are only making a little noise! I tried explaining to a teacher that we were merely playing pictionary and hangman, but the teacher simply told me that it wasn't my fault, they were taking advantage of me (only a little), and that she would be sure I never had problems again. Because, heavan forbid, the kids make noise.
Conclusion of the day: if your child talks, don't send him to a french school.