Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Current Song Obsession

I'm not going to lie, I tend to obsess over music.  I find a song that hits my fancy at a given moment and I'm hooked.  Sometimes for a week, sometimes more.  I can't hear it enough and I play it over and over again.  I'm pretty sure my neighbor hates me.  
But I don't care!  Current Song Obsession: Valerie Plame by the Decemberists.  The song came out a few months ago, but I didn't download it until last week and now I can't listen enough.  It's peppy and jumpy, despite being about Valerie Plame's CIA work and her eventual exposure as an agent.  The Decemberists are pretty well known for this type of folky, almost medieval storytelling in their stories (current song obsession runner up right now is Crane Wife 3), so I love that they took on a modern story.  This isn't a downer tale of any of President Bush's actions over the past 8 years or a call for peace against the Vietnam War, it's just a plunky song about a girl who ended up kind of dicked over by people peeved at her husband.  There is sort of a oompah sound to the song, with a bass line that seems similar to a german polka and I adore the "Hey Jude" moment at the end.  I'm kinda convinced everyone should have a moment where they hear their name song at the end of a song by a chorus in multi-part harmony; Valerie Plame's moment sounds perfect. 

1 comment:

Zoe said...

I heart the Decemberists. Especially songs with banjo AND tuba parts.