Monday, February 16, 2009

My camera phone won't win any awards, but it rocks my casbah.

Here's why.
I broke down and got a cell phone with a camera about a year ago.  My phone doesn't connect to the internet (every other gadget I own seems to) so that renders the camera slightly useless.  I basically can take pictures of my friends and have those pictures flash when they call.  Not that exciting (and now that I think about it, not that nerdy).  But a couple of months ago I figured out the best use of my camera phone EVER: a photo "to-read" list.  
Here is how this works.  I tend to end up wandering around bookstores a lot, mostly just trying to piddle away some time while I wait for someone.  I pass a lot of books that look interesting and I used to always forget their names so that when it came to picking out a new book I would have to sort of rack my brain for the titles of books I had seen.  My camera phone (plus has totally solved this problem.  Now, I just wonder around the bookstore and snap a photo of every book that looks interesting.  Then I go home, go through my pictures, and put the various books onto my "to-read" list. 
I know this is kind of a lame use of technology, but each time I do this, I get a little excited 'cause seriously, it's one of the few ways technology makes my life just a little bit easier.  Someday I may get a more hi-tech phone, but in the meantime, I'm cool with just using the camera to keep my "to-read" list up-to-date.  And take photos of my friends of course.

1 comment:

Zoe said...

I do that too! but with wine labels...